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There are different types of coffee but the most popular among coffee aficionados and cafe owners in Australia are robusta and arabica coffee beans. In today’s blog post, you will learn more about the coffee culture in Australia. This comprehensive guide discusses the most popular types of coffee drinks and coffee beans.

The Coffee Industry in Australia

The Australian coffee industry is flourishing, generating over AU$ 10.1 billion. According to the forecast, this is expected to grow by 3.41% in two to three years. This report also shows Aussies consume nearly 2 kilograms of coffee per person each year.

In Melbourne, cafe owners and coffee entrepreneurs push the boundaries of producing world-class coffee as more and more customers pay handsomely to try different flavours. Statistics also reveal that 65% of Australian homes have a coffee machine. These figures tell us how impactful the coffee culture is in Australia.

Different Types of Coffee Beans

There are four types of coffee beans available in the market today. These are the liberica, arabica and robusta coffee beans. Each type of coffee bean of coffee beans produces a unique taste and distinct flavour.

As mentioned earlier, the most popular coffee beans are arabica and robusta. Research shows that Arabica coffee beans make up 60% of the world’s coffee production, while 40% of coffee production came from robusta coffee cultivators.

Let’s dive deeper into different types of coffee beans and their characteristics.

1.                Arabica Coffee Beans

What are Arabica Coffee Beans?

Arabica coffee beans are the most popular type of coffee beans in the world because of their rich flavour and sweet taste. These beans came from the Coffea arabica plant, which originated in the southern highlands of Ethiopia–hence the name, arabica coffee beans. 

Arabica plants thrive more in tropical climates, and that’s why they are more abundant in Guatemala, Columbia, Brazil and India–these countries are the top producers of arabica coffee. 

What does Arabica Coffee Taste Like?

While arabica coffee beans slightly taste differently based on the location of cultivation, superior quality arabica coffee beans should produce a slightly sweet flavour with hints of fruits and berries.

Some cultivated arabica coffee beans may even have hints of chocolate, caramel and nuts aftertaste. You may also notice slight acidity and a little bitterness in arabica coffee. Many enthusiasts use arabica for their cold brew coffee to bring out its naturally sweet flavour.

Side Note: Apart from location, the roasting method and soil composition also play a vital role in producing a superior coffee taste. These factors can affect the balance of taste and flavour of the coffee beans. Be sure to store your coffee beans properly as well to maintain their freshness and great flavours.

Arabica Growing Conditions

Arabica plants prefer subtropical climate conditions. They require rich and well-draining acidic soil. Like most tropical plants, they grow well in bright, indirect sunlight areas. The ideal temperature should be around 16-24 degrees celsius.

Common Types of Coffee Beans Arabica

Here are the most popular types of arabica coffee beans:

  • Bourbon
  • Typica
  • Gesha
  • Jackson
  • Jamaican Blue Mountain
  • Caturra
  • Catimor
  • Jember
  • Kent
  • Kona
  • Mundo Novo
  • Pacamara
  • Pacas
  • Pache
  • Villalobos

2.                Robusta Coffee Beans

What are Robusta Coffee Beans?

Robusta coffee beans come from Coffea Canephora, one of the primary species of coffee plants cultivated in the world. Robusta originated in Africa. Robusta is easier to grow and cultivate compared to other types of coffee. It also has stronger caffeine content than most coffee beans.

What does Robusta Coffee Taste Like?

Robusta coffee is popular for its strong taste and flavour. It usually produces an earthy and bitter flavour. Most quality robusta coffee beans also have hints of peanut flavour aftertaste. Robusta works well in making espressos. Some purists also still prefer robusta for Italian-style blended coffee.

Robusta Growing Conditions

Robusta thrives well in lower altitudes, ranging from sea level to 600 meters. Congo, Vietnam and Brazil are the top producers of robusta coffee beans. Robusta plants are also sturdier than other coffee species. They can withstand high temperatures and frequent rainfall.

What is the Difference Between Arabica and Robusta Coffee Beans?

Arabica and robusta differ in taste, caffeine content, lipid and sugar content, growing conditions and price. Here’s a brief comparison between arabica and robusta coffee beans.

CategoryArabica Robusta
Taste  Sweeter with hints of fruits and berries– More bitter with nutty aftertaste 
Caffeine Content1.2 to 1.8 %2.2 to 2.7% 
Coffee Bean Shape More oval and flatSlightly smaller and round
Plant Difference 1.8m to 4.5mGrows a plant or shrub (4.5 to 10m tall)
Cultivation         Grows well in subtropical climate conditions

More prone to pests

Longer maturation time  
Grows well in high humidity and high altitude

Pest and weather-resistant

Easier to grow or develop
RegionGuatemala, Columbia, Brazil, Costa Rica and EthiopiaVietnam, Indonesia, India, Uganda and Brazil
Lipid Content 15% !0%
Antioxidants This study shows that robusta coffee beans have more antioxidants than arabica coffee. 
Acidity Arabica is more acidic than robusta, which is why it tastes sweeter or more flavourful. 
Chlorogenic acid content (CGA)5.5-8% CGA7-10% CGA

The Verdict

Robusta is cheaper than arabica coffee beans. It also contains more caffeine and antioxidants. However, despite these advantages, arabica is still the most popular coffee bean in Australia and the world. Many coffee lovers prefer arabica coffee because of its sweet and flavourful taste. Experts also often use arabica beans to innovate best-selling coffee drinks in cafes, such as latte and cold brew.

Different Types of Coffee Drinks

Flat White, cappuccino, latte and espresso are some of Australia’s finest coffee drinks. But there are also new drinks that you should try. Here are some of Australia’s most popular coffee drinks. 

1.     Black 

Main ingredients: Espresso and hot water
Popularity: 8/10

Recommended Roast: Dark roast 

Black coffee is simply coffee with no ingredients added. Just brew your preferred coffee beans and serve hot. Many experts say it’s the healthiest option since it doesn’t contain sugar, milk or creamer. Check out the health benefits of drinking black coffee

In Australia and New Zealand, long black coffee is popular. Like Americano, it’s also an espresso-based coffee but with two shots of espresso diluted in hot water. 

How to Make a Black or Long Black Coffee at Home: Quick Guide

Baristas normally make or serve a long black coffee by preparing a cup of hot steaming water, and then pouring shots of espresso on top. 

Side Note: For beginners, it’s best to use light roast coffee. 

2. Latte 

Main Ingredients: Milk and espresso
: 9/10
Recommended Roast: Medium to dark roast 

Coffee latte is probably the most popular coffee drink in Australia. It is a milk-based coffee with one or two shots of espresso. 

How to Make a Coffee Latte at Home: Quick Guide

Step 1: Prepare your preferred espresso shots into your glass. 

Step 2: Pour milk at least ⅓ of the glass. Experts recommend using whole milk, but you can also use soy or almond milk if you’re lactose intolerant. 

Step 3: Foam your milk before brewing the espresso. 

Step 4: Gently unwanted air bubbles from the jug or container. 

Step 5: Pour the milk into your espresso. 

Step 6: Enjoy your latte coffee! 

3. Cappuccino 

Main Ingredients: Milk and espresso 

Popularity: 8.5/10

Recommended Roast: Dark roast

Making the perfect cappuccino is a true test of skills among the best baristas in the world. This coffee drink is all about structure. It should emphasise the right balance of espresso, steamed milk, and foam. It should produce rich flavours and a mildly sweet taste but not acidic. 

How to Make a Cappuccino at Home: Quick Guide 

Step 1: Steam the milk. Heat a cup of milk in a saucepan over low to medium heat. Let it simmer until bubbles form around, but make sure to not boil it. 

Step 2: Prepare the espresso. You can use a single or double shot. 

Step 3: Remove unwanted large air bubbles by gently swirling the milk or tapping the jug.

Step 4: Slowly pour the milk over the espresso. 

Step 5: Enjoy your cappuccino! 

4. Macchiato 

Main Ingredients: Espresso and milk 

Popularity: 9/10

Recommended Roast: Light roast

Macchiato is another popular coffee drink in Australia. It is also an express-based coffee drink with a dash of milk. The term “macchiato” translates to marked, stained, or spotted in Italian. This pertains to the milk spots when adding it to the dark, rich espresso. The amount of milk is just enough and strikes the perfect balance of robust flavour hit and a touch of creaminess. Most cafes today flavoured it with caramel, and it has been one of the bestselling coffee drinks all over the world. 

How to Macchiato at Home: Quick Guide

Step 1: Prepare a single shot of espresso. 

Step 2: Steam the milk and wait for a few minutes to create a foam. Just use medium-high heat and frequently stir to avoid burning the milk. 

Step 3: Pour milk into the espresso. You can top this with caramel sprinkles or powder to add more flavour. 

5. Mocha

Main Ingredients: Espresso, milk, chocolate, and cocoa powder 

Popularity: 9/10

Recommended Roast: Medium roast

Mocha coffee has a lot of branding names, including cafe mocha, mocha latter and mochaccino. Whatever you call it, it follows the same principle and method. Mocha coffee is a chocolate-flavoured latte with a ratio of ⅓ espresso and ⅔ steamed milk and a thin layer of milk foam. It also has just the right dose of chocolate syrup, often topped with whip cream, and sprinkled with chocolate or cocoa powder. 

How to Make Coffee Mocha at Home: Quick Guide 

Step 1: Prepare a double shot of your preferred espresso (single or double shot) into a preheated latte glass. 

Step 2: Mix a dose of chocolate syrup into the espresso. It may take a few tries to achieve your preferred taste. 

Step 3: Steam the milk at approximately 155-160 degrees Fahrenheit. It’s best to use a thermometer to ensure you’re hitting the right temperature. Avoid burning the milk, so check frequently. 

Step 4: Gently pour the milk into the espresso with chocolate. 

Step 5: Top your drink with whip cream and sprinkle cocoa powder. 

Step 6: Enjoy your cafe mocha! 

6. Flat White 

Main Ingredients: Espresso and milk   

Popularity: 9.5/10

Recommended Roast: Dark roast

The white flat coffee is a popular go-to beverage in Australia. It’s also an espresso-based coffee blended with micro-foamed milk. To create the perfect foamed milk, you need to infuse the steamed milk with air that creates a smooth and creamy taste. You need to be precise with your steaming method to make the perfect flat white coffee. 

How to Make Flat White Coffee at Home: Quick Guide 

Step 1: Prepare a double shot espresso and pour it into your cup. 

Step 2: Steam the milk to 131-136 degrees Fahrenheit.

Step 3: Remove bubbles by thumping the pitcher or swirling the milk. This would make the milk velvetier and smoother. 

Step 4: Try to make an art pattern and enjoy your flat white coffee! 

7. Affogato 

Main Ingredients: Espresso and ice cream    

Popularity: 7/10

Recommended Roast: light or dark roast

The affogato is a famous Italian dessert. Its base ingredient is ice cream and espresso. The term “affogato” translates to the Italian word for “drowned”, which probably gives you a hint of how this coffee drink would look like, a scoop of ice cream drowned into your favourite espresso. 

How to Make Affogato at Home: Quick Guide 

The process is simple: Drown a scoop of vanilla ice cream in a hot shot of espresso. Watch how it melts and enjoy a spoonful of affogato. 

Here at MuzzBuzz, we use high-quality Arabica beans in all of our hot coffee products. To find your nearest store visit our website here, or alternatively, you can download our app and order straight from your phone!

Types of Iced Coffee

Iced coffee is popular in Australia. According to Ray Morgan’s research, over 1.1 million Aussies consume iced coffee in an average week. Let’s find out some of the most popular types of iced coffee today. 

1. Iced Coffee

Main Ingredients: Brewed coffee, milk and ice     

Popularity: 8/10

Recommended Roast: Any 

To simply put, this is the iced version of your favourite drink. Some coffee shops serve this with a small amount of milk and topped with whip cream. 

How to Make an Iced Coffee at Home: Quick Guide 

Just brew your favourite coffee and add some ice. You can also top it with whip cream just like in most coffee shops. 

2. Iced Espresso 

Main Ingredients: Espresso and ice     

Popularity: 8/10

Recommended Roast: Dark roast  

This is like ice coffee but instead of brewed coffee, you use espresso shots. Again, you can also top it with whip cream and add a small amount of milk. 

How to Make an Iced Coffee at Home: Quick Guide 

Just pull a double shot of espresso and then add some ice. Pour a small amount of milk and top it with whip cream if you wish. 

3. Cold Brew 

Main Ingredients: Brewed coffee and ice    

Popularity: 8.5/10

Recommended Roast: Dark roast  

Cold brew is more than just an iced coffee. The method is different as well. For regular iced coffee drinks, you use near-boiling point temperatures to quickly extract the coffee right away. For cold brew, you need to wait at least five hours or more before serving. Cold brewing is usually less acidic and sweeter than iced espresso. 

How to Make Cold Brew at Home: Quick Guide 

Step 1: Brew your favourite dark roast coffee. 

Step 2: Wait for it to cold down before putting it on the refrigerator. 

Step 3: Keep it refrigerated for at least 5 hours. 

Step 4: Take it out and enjoy your cold brew! 

4. Frappuccino 

Main Ingredients: Espresso, flavoured syrup, cream, sugar and milk 

Popularity: 9.5/10

Recommended Roast: Medium to dark roast  

Trademarked by one of the biggest coffee chains in the world, Starbucks, frappuccino is an iced coffee flavoured with syrup. Most coffee shops or cafes offer two variants of frappuccino: coffee-based and cream-based (decaf). 

Here are some popular frappuccino flavours available today:

  • Mocha frappuccino
  • Coffee frappuccino
  • Caramel frappuccino
  • Java chip frappuccino
  • Espresso frappuccino
  • White chocolate frappuccino

How to Make a Frappuccino at Home: Quick Guide 

Step 1: Prepare a single or double shot of your favourite espresso. You can also use a strong coffee. 

Step 2: Blend it together with ice, your preferred flavoured syrup, milk and sweetener. 

Step 3: Pour it into a tall glass and top it with whip cream. Sprinkle with your preferred flavoured powder. 

Step 4: Enjoy your frappuccino! 

5. Nitro 

Main Ingredients: Cold brew coffee, nitrogen gas 

Popularity: 7/10 

Recommended Roast: Dark roast

Nitro coffee is made of cold brew infused with nitrogen gas to boost caffeine content and reduces bitterness and acidity of the coffee. The nitro coffee has over 30% more caffeine than most coffee drinks. 

How to Make Nitro Cold Brew Coffee

Step 1: Prepare your cold brew coffee and put it in a tall glass. 

Step 2: Consider filtering the cold brew to ensure there are no leftover grounds.  

Step 3: After filtering, infuse the cold brew using a mini-keg or whipped cream container. 

Step 4: Gently pour into the glass or cup and enjoy your nitro coffee! 

Here at MuzzBuzz, we use high-quality Arabica beans in all of our hot coffee products. To find your nearest store visit our website here, or alternatively, you can download our app and order straight from your phone!

Types of Coffee Makers

Choose the right coffee equipment based on your preferences and needs. To help you make the right decision, here are the different types of coffee makers and their features. 

1.       French Press

A French Press is ideal for making a small batch of coffee. It works like a plunger that meets a strainer. With this device, you need to brew the coffee grounds manually by pressing or straining them using the presser. 

Pros of French Press

  • Portable 
  • Easy to use 
  • Easy to clean
  • More affordable 

Consof French Press

  • Limited coffee production 
  • Inconsistent taste 
  • Prone to over-extraction and coffee sludges

2. Percolator

This type of coffee maker is popular for its practicality and durability. Like the French Press, it’s also portable, so it’s easy to bring anywhere and it’s suitable for outdoor activities. Many coffee lovers also use the percolator because it produces a richer taste compared to a drip coffee maker.

Pros of Percolator 

  • Practical brewing method 
  • Durable  
  • More versatile than drip coffee
  • Brings more flavour 
  • Can retain heat well
  • Easy to clean or maintain

Cons of Percolator 

  • You might need a few tries before finally getting the right method 
  • Risk of bitter coffee produce 
  • Prone to make a mess
  • Inefficiency

3. Single Serve

The single-serve coffee maker is also getting more popular among coffee lovers because of its recent developments. Today, new versions of single-serve coffee makers now feature interchangeable drawers that allow you to make your favourite coffee with ground coffee. 

Pros of Single Serve

  • Efficiency
  • Convenience 
  • Consistency 

Cons of Single Serve

  • Pricier than other options
  • Not environmentally friendly 
  • Quality of coffee isn’t that good

4. AeroPress

The aero press is also a single-serving coffee maker. It’s a piston-style brewer that pushes coffee through a paper filter. It’s also a popular option among travellers and campers. This coffee maker is known for producing neat coffee with well-defined flavours. 

Pros of AeroPress 

  • Easy to use and clean
  • Versatile 
  • Portable 
  • Affordable 

Cons of AeroPress 

  • Limited coffee production (maximum of 2 cups)
  • Not recommended for light to medium roast 

5. Drip

The makers of the drip coffee device intend to fully automate the pour-over brewing process by simply adding water and coffee grounds. This coffee maker is actually more popular in the US–yes, Aussies prefer drinking espresso-style coffee. 

Some of the best thermal carafe coffee makers are

  • Technivorm Moccamaster
  • Cuisinart Programmable 12-Cup Thermal Coffee Maker
  • Black+Decker Thermal Carafe Coffee Maker
  • Breville Grind Control
  • Behmor Brazen Plus
  • OXO Brew 9-Cup Coffee Maker (Aka Barista Brain)

Pros of Drip Coffee Makers

  • Easy to use 
  • More price options
  • Automated for convenience 
  • Can brew large quantities

Cons of Drip Coffee Makers 

  • Requires more effort to clean
  • Only works well with fine coffee grounds

6. Pour Over

Many purists and coffee enthusiasts still prefer the pour-over brewing method because it allows them to have more control of the results. Here, you use a cone-shaped holder placed on top of your cup to filter the coffee grounds while pouring hot water.  

Pros of Pour Over

  • Can produce quality coffee
  • Allows you to discover varieties of coffee beans
  • Purity 
  • Allows you to brew more than one cup in one go

Cons of Pour Over

  • It takes a lot of patience to produce optimal results
  • Requires more effort to clean and maintain 
  • Require more step to brewing

7. Cold Brew Coffee Makers

If you’re an avid fan of cold brew, it’s time to invest in cold brew coffee makers. As the name implies, this device is specifically designed to produce quality cold brews. Here are the best cold brew coffee makers according to Food & Wine.

  • Oxo Cold Brew Coffee Maker
  • Hario Mizudashi Cold Brew Coffee Pot
  • Toddy Cold Brew System
  • Vinci Express Cold Brew Patented Electric Coffee Maker
  • Bodum Bean Cold Brew Coffee Maker
  • KitchenAid Cold Brew Coffee Maker

8. Moka

The Moka pot coffee maker is a good alternative to an espresso machine. While it doesn’t produce the same quality, it’s still a good option, especially if you learn how to use it. 

Pros of Moka Pots

  • Can produce robust and rich flavoured coffee
  • Durable 
  • Convenient to use
  • Portable 

Cons of Moka Pots

  • It may take some time to master the process
  • Can be prone to leaks
  • Requires reheating or parboiled water 
  • Requires more effort to clean

There is no doubt that the coffee industry in Australia continues to flourish. Coffee has become a big part of our daily lives. Whether you’re an entrepreneur, leaning towards the coffee business or just an avid coffee lover, it’s good to familiarise yourself with different types of coffee. We hope learning about the different types of coffee products will help you understand our rich coffee culture.

Here at MuzzBuzz, we use high-quality Arabica beans in all of our hot coffee products. To find your nearest store visit our website here, or alternatively, you can download our app and order straight from your phone!